Naomi's Story | Red Door Family Shelter

Naomi's Story

Naomi came to the Red Door Family Shelter after being evicted from her apartment. She was five months pregnant, abandoned by her partner and feeling very isolated. She had very few personal belongings and nothing for the baby.

Thankfully Naomi stayed positive and adapted well to life in the shelter. She was already connected to the necessary health care for herself and her un-born child and she attended all scheduled appointments as required. 

Before her baby was born Naomi spent a lot of time indoors. This was her first child and she was very open about needing support from the shelter as she had no family here in Canada and very few friends that she trusted.

As her delivery time got closer Naomi was moved into a family room where there was space for a crib. She was given many items for her child.  Her birth plan was finalized and everyone was ready for the birth of her child.  Naomi showed so much gratitude for all the support she was receiving from the shelter staff and other residents.

After giving birth to a healthy baby girl Naomi returned to the shelter with her child.  She was assisted by staff to register the birth of her daughter, apply for her birth certificate, SIN number and Child Tax Benefits to enable her to gain more income to support herself and baby. 

Naomi is a very caring first-time mother. She decided to go to court and get full custody of her daughter, and child support. A Red Door Outreach Worker assisted her in obtaining legal aid and a lawyer to help with the case. 

Mother and baby were coming along great and there were no concerns about Naomi’s ability to care for her child. Naomi continued to meet with Public Health for assistance with parenting and newborn growth and development. 

Naomi had previous work experience in the factory industry however she stopped working due to her pregnancy and being ill a lot of the time (contributing to her eviction). Her only source of income was money for medical leave from Employment Insurance. 

In her search for housing and work Naomi learned about a program that would give her the opportunity to live in subsidized housing while she studied at a reputable community college. She asked her Red Door Case Worker to help her apply.

Naomi was very nervous. She had come to the Red Door broken down and alone and was afraid that she would be rejected from the program. In fact Naomi was accepted and her goal now is to graduate from a legal admin or business program and work to support herself and her young child.

With the help of the Red Door’s Moving Program Naomi was moved into a two bedroom unit and set up with some needed furniture and household items.  Her baby was registered for daycare in the same building and has adapted well to her new surroundings.

Naomi returns regularly to the Red Door Family Shelter to use the food bank and to say hello to staff and residents.  She always provides updates on her situation.  Recently she came with a bag full of her daughter’s lightly used baby clothes to give to another resident who is expecting a baby girl in the very near future.

There is no doubt that Naomi will be successful in her studies and then in the career she chooses. All she needed was the support and encouragement to get back on her feet.

Learn more about how you can help women like Naomi.
