Start a Fundraising Page for Red Door

Fundraise Online

Start a fundraising page in support of Red Door

Become a Red Door Champion and make a difference for homeless families in need.  Start a page to raise funds for an event, to honour someone you love, celebrate a birthday, encourage a personal challenge,​ and many more occasions!​

Create your personal or team fundraising page.

customize your page

Customize and share your page with friends and family.
collect donations to reach your goal

Collect donations and reach your goal to help families in need.

start fundraising

How you can make an impact with your fundraising:

$100 - provides a baby care package for a new mom at the shelter.

$250 - funds a day trip for children at our shelter to attend a local attraction.

$500 - moves a family into their new home with essential furniture and household items.

$1,000 - provides 5 families with groceries and supplies from our weekly food bank for 1 month.

happy family with child in foreground

Have questions about fundraising pages? Visit our FAQ section, or contact us at; 416-915-5671 x225.

