Food Programs | Red Door Family Shelter

Food Programs

Every year the Red Door helps over 300 families affected by abuse and homelessness to heal and rebuild their lives. 

Our Food Programs provide essential support to families when they arrive at our shelter, during their stay and after they have moved out of the shelter.

When families arrive at our family shelter, many arrive with nothing, having recently come to Canada as refugees, or having fled domestic violence.  When they arrive, we provide them with a care package that contains basic kitchen supplies and staple food items so they are able to prepare meals in their kitchenettes, and provide a food fund for each family to purchase groceries during their stay.

The Food Programs are about more than just providing groceries for families.  They are a helping hand through a critical time.

We also provide a Food Bank for families who have moved out of the shelter, addressing the need for support during their critical transition into stable and permanent independence.

With the lack of safe, affordable housing and the prohibitively high cost of private market rent, it is becoming increasingly difficult for families to make ends meet.  The average family moving out of the Red Door into a private market rental is now spending an average of 54% of their income on rent alone (which includes income currently received from the Canada Child Benefit)! This puts them in a very vulnerable position, and at high risk of being homelessness again.

The Food Bank operates weekly at our Violence Against Women shelter. Families who come to our Food Bank are able to receive the fresh and staple foods they need, including culturally specific items, special diet items, and donated supermarket gift cards.   They are also provided with TTC fare to cover their transportation costs to and from the Food Bank.

The Food Programs are about more than just providing groceries for families.  They are a helping hand through a critical time. It’s a sense of security and support for a single mother working to build a brighter future for her family.   That kind of support is invaluable.

You can help support our Food Programs:

Help fund our costs with a one time donation

  • $10 — Provides TTC tickets for a mother to access the Food Bank for the week
  • $25 — Provides basic kitchen supplies and essentials for a family
  • $50 — Provides non-perishable and staple items for a family
  • $100 — Provides basic kitchen supplies and essentials for 4 families
  • $250 — Provides a single woman with groceries for 1 month
  • $500 — Provides a single mother and child with groceries for 1 month

Donate non-perishable food or grocery gift cards


