Helping Children and Youth | Red Door Family Shelter

Helping Children and Youth

Picture homelessness in Toronto. What do you see? Do you see children?

The truth is that family homelessness is a hidden crisis — more families and children need emergency shelter. In fact, on any given night, a staggering 60 per cent of our residents are children — children who deserve to be safe and carefree.

Children and youth are the most vulnerable casualties of homelessness. Instead of navigating the simple adventures of childhood, many of our young residents struggle with trauma, loss and confusion.

Red Door goes beyond providing safe shelter — we help children cope and heal, so they can focus on being kids again.

On any given night, over 60 per cent of our residents are children.

Children and Youth Programs

At Red Door, we believe that taking care of children’s emotional and psychological well-being is just as vital as the shelter we provide. Helping children to overcome what is often a painful and frightening experience supports their growth into strong, capable and resilient adults.

That’s why we offer child and youth programs that focus on healthy childhood development.

After School and Evening Programs
Our after school and evening programs help children establish a positive and consistent after-school routine. School-age children meet for one hour after school for assistance with homework. We also offer recreational activities such as games, visits to the library or a local park, and arts and crafts for children of all ages.

Teen Program
The teenage years are a critical age for breaking cycles of abuse and homelessness. We provide seminars and workshops for teenagers and parents, which cover a wide range of topics designed to provide youth with critical decision-making tools, and help parents support their children through this difficult time. Topics include Violence Prevention, Youth and the Law, and Healthy Eating. We also offer homework support and fun activities.

When we got to the shelter my oldest son had the hardest time. The staff made all the difference. They were patient and understanding, and the youth programs gave him the support he needed to work through the pain and frustration.” - A former resident and mother of two children

happy kids on picnic table

How You Can Help

We know you care about the welfare of our children, and changing the future for homeless youth — because you are here, reading this.

You know that we can’t do this alone. We’re able to give children hope for a better future because of donations made to us by people like you.

A small donation of $10 can make a big difference for a child.

Help fund our costs with a one time donation

Donate supplies, gift cards, or tickets to events

Volunteer in one of our programs, or run your own activity

