Leave a Legacy | Red Door Family Shelter

Leave a Legacy

A charitable legacy donation means that you are thinking about the welfare of future generations.  In our efforts to end family homelessness, to know that our work will be supported in the future is a tremendous gift.  We encourage you to check with your legal or financial advisor about whether these giving options are right for you.

There are many ways to help us in our work to end family homelessness:

Gift in Your Will
Gift of Life Insurance
Stocks & Securities
Legacy Resources

Contact Wendy Bray, Senior Fund Development Manager at 416-915-5671 Ext. 230 or email fundraisingmanager@reddoorshelter.ca for more information.

The information on these web pages does not constitute legal or professional advice and should not be substituted for appropriate professional advice. The Red Door Family Shelter encourages you to seek professional legal and financial advice before deciding on a course of action.

